Monday, 10 March 2014
A is for...
Like I introduced in my previous blogpost, I have started a new project I'd like to call my #instagramalphabet. Starting, of course, with the A :)
In this photo you can see my Armour, which I thought would be an ironic word for bra. I have a bit of a hate-love relationship with this bra to be quite honest, haha! I love the colours and the way it looks, but the satin straps constantly slip off my shoulder; which can be really annoying for a dancer. In the bottom right you see my Album, which I originally received to paste photos into of me and my father... But I never really did. Yup, it's still empty, and I've had it for several years now. It's really strange, though, because I always look at it and think "Oh, it's so pretty! I should really paste my photos in there!" but I never proceed to do it. Then there is the Apple, a fruit which I love until I'm halfway done with it. (I'm a weakling, I know) It is actually rare for me to finish an apple to the core, it's embarrassing! Then there's my Alarm clock which I absolutely HATE. For reasons everyone can agree to, of course, but also because it has the habit of deciding not to work while I'm asleep and ending up not waking me up in time. Lastly, there's Anna and the French Kiss. That book is amazing. Not because it has an amazing story line or life lesson or anything; but simply because it really captures the feeling of being in love. You get second-hand butterflies while flicking the pages like an idiot and the writing is just amazing. I guess you could say it is a lovely book to read when you're on the beach or, when in winter, in bed with a large cup of tea.
B is also to be found on Instagram already, and I will make a blogpost about that one, too, very soon :)
I hope you all enjoy my little project as much as I do!
With love,
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