Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Starting out small

Wow, that's probably a word I've used a little too much today. Almost all the time because of things that are unnecessarily big. My work placement I started out small, though, which was perfect for a day spent still a little bit tired from the time difference.

For starters, I woke up with a message from my mum, asking me if it was okay if she'd call. Knowing that calling would cost 2 euros a minute, I suggested that we'd skype instead. It was lovely seeing her, and speaking with her for a moment. Shortly after that I went on a little research as to how to work the shower, which didn't appear to be so difficult after all. For breakfast I had a bagel with cream-cheese and some sort of Danish dessert. It wasn't anything I'd be allowed to eat for breakfast in the Netherlands, I'll have you know. ;) I was also so relieved to discover that the milk tastes the same here. It is such a pet-peeve of mine to be in a country where the milk just tastes like it came from anything but a cow.

After breakfast I joined DeWitt to his office, and I helped him out with his contacts-administration until it was time for lunch. This was my first trip to what they call a 'small' grocery store here. It's not small, at all. In fact, I think it may be bigger than our regular supermarket in the Netherlands... Or at least equal in size! However, the aisles or stuffed in a way that I've yet to experience in Holland. Every squared centimetre is put to use here. I wish I'd taken a photo! Back at home for lunch I met miss Flynn (I hope I spelled her name correctly), she's a lady who's been taking care of the children in the house ever since they were little. So when their parents were out, she was always there to pick them up from friends or to take them to sports-practice and other things like that. We chatted shortly about how glad we both were that summer clothes were getting back in stores, and she made me my first, real-American, grilled cheese. Boy, was it delicious. I'm actually really glad she did that for me, because when DeWitt told me I could have anything for lunch I didn't really know what to do. I mean, I had my sandwiches, but not a thing in the fridge seemed to be a thing fit for putting on them. At least not with my vision. So now that I know how to make myself a grilled cheese, I suppose I will be binging on those for lunch the next couple of weeks.

Recharged by my warm sandwich we went back to the office where I finished my task and waited until we could go back to the grocery store (which is called Crosby's, by the way) for dinner. I took a little longer strolling around this time, and noticed the humongous variety of beer and wine they offered. Like, I thought we had a great deal of brands in Dutch stores... But this was just aisle after aisle after aisle. For dinner we had casseroles, which is kind of like risotto. It's rice in a thick batter, with chicken and peas, with salad and garlic bread on the side. Over dinner I was kind of told what the plan was for the rest of the week, and I'm really excited! :) Tomorrow I will join CeCe to Pingree, which is a private school. This does mean that I'll need to be ready to leave at 07:10 to make it to the (yellow!!!) schoolbus. On thursday I will join Amy to the company she works for and I'll help out there. Then on Friday I will be at Pingree again. Saturday is going to be a very special day, as I will be joining CeCe and Amy as they go check out a College. After that we're gonna go shopping, because I'm allowed to join CeCe to a school dance that night! They call it a semi-formal, and I'm really excited. :)

I kind of wanted to type more, but I'm really tired and I still need to look some things up about World War One so that I can more easily join the history class tomorrow. The little (big) things that I wanted to mention here as well I'll leave for another day.


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