Sunday 26 April 2015

University by day, High School by night

French toast for breakfast seemed like the best way to wake up this morning, because with yet another early start it began to get more and more difficult to get out of bed. We got ready to leave the house at 8:30, and got onto the highway headed for Maine. Today would be a college visiting day for CeCe at UNE, or University of New England, and I got to tag-along. During the car-ride we got to watch almost all of Brave, as it took quite a while to get there. For some reason I liked that movie better now that I've seen it for the second time than I did for the first time! When we got to campus we were first given an introduction/presentation and then all of the potential new students were divided into smaller groups for the tour-guides. We were put into Angela's group, one of the seniors at the University, and she was a really good public speaker! Like, I always feel like there's a very high make it or break it factor when it comes to people trying to promote a programme or school, and she definitely made it! CeCe to really like this school, despite the fact that they still used chalkboards in the classrooms. Personally I got a bit of a double feeling from this school. While they were offering some very promising and interesting programmes, the looks of it reminded me so much of primary school! Like, the colours used on the walls and doors: Old green and yellow. And the amount of times that there were posters hanging on the walls, with supposedly insightful information on them, all typed in Comic Sans. That is just cringe-worthy for me.

What was cool about this school, though, was that it was situated right at an estuarium. This meant that because it is directly connected to the ocean, the school offered a very broad oceanic/marine-studies programme as well. So at the school itself there were very large aquariums for example, and giant basins full of fish. I thought it was very cool that this research all happened at the school itself.

For lunch we stopped at a place called 99, if I remember correctly, and I had some shrimps with fries. Continuing the road back home to Georgetown, we watched a bit of Frozen together.

After having arrived back home I chilled for a bit as CeCe and Amy went out to the hairdressers, and I even skyped with my mum which was nice. :) About then it was time for me to get ready for the semi-formals at Pingree that night, so I put on the blue dress which I'd bought at Forever 21 yesterday night and put on my make-up. With light snacks for dinner, and final preparations we were ready to go to the dance. CeCe's boyfriend came to pick us up (his name is either Bryan or Ryan but I'm still not sure which) and he'd bought CeCe one of those pretty flower-wristlets you see in American series like Pretty Little Liars, and he'd gotten me some flowers as well. I thought that was so sweet! We took our photos and hopped into the car looking all fancy. The dance itself, however, was nothing like I was used to. There was a photobooth, which was fun! And there was loads of candy and pastries... However, not loads of people. Coming from a school with 2000 students, at least, of which the majority show up to the Christmas dance each year I was used to something a bit more lively and crowded than what I experienced here. According to CeCe this was like 90% freshmen, and 10% sophomores. I've learned, by the way, that I would be a junior in America. Somehow their entertainment-span was shorter as well, because we left the dance about an hour after we got there. It was fun though, getting to experience something like that! Back in the car I wasn't informed about the following plans, but it turned out we were going to Justin's house, who is one of (B)Ryan's friends. I just went along with them. Justin and this girl, who I think was his sister, had baked cookies which we could eat, and we played pool in their game-room until we were picked up again.

There's nothing on the planning for me tomorrow. All I know is that this family will be visiting the Purcell's. I'm really glad that I don't need to set my alarm for tomorrow morning, and that I can just stay in bed for as long as I want. Respectfully, that is.

Goodnight everyone!

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