Saturday 2 May 2015


A recurring conversation I've had during my stay here in America, was about how special and strange it is that people can meet each other just in the right/wrong time, and affect each other so strongly. Today's mindset seemed to revolve around that a lot. People.

Today started off with a slow start. I made myself some breakfast, took a shower and got ready for Donna and Jilly to pick me up at 10:30. Jilly was going to pay a visit to her personal coach in exercise/dance in Cambridge, which is just a bridge away from Boston. Donna and I would be able to walk around in Harvard Square during the two hours which she spent there. It honestly amazes me, how easy it is to talk to some people. Donna is definitely one of those 'some people'. For some reason, and I have no idea what, nothing seemed too bold or embarrassing to say to her. She was so sweet, honest, caring and funny. It was just the most lovely day walking around the pretty streets of Cambridge with her, and sitting on a little bench in the sun just sipping coffee and chatting. Well, we walked around on the Harvard property and I took some photos.

We popped into a new shop on Harvard Square which had the most interesting summer collection, but most of the items weren't tagged yet. I was just looking around and searching through shorts, wondering what they would cost. So as I reached further into the back of the store, and found the labelled items, I picked up a little piece of fabric which you could wear like a bustier/croptop kind of thing, and it was over a hundred dollars!! So that was the end of that little adventure ;) We continued onto Urban Outfitters, which is like my favourite store ever, but it's sooo expensive! Like, not as expensive as the shop I just mentioned, but still pricy! But everything there is just lovely. From the dresses to the books to the sports-clothes to the jeans. Love, love, love! I found a pair of sunglasses that I really loved and it was within my price-range so I decided to buy those for myself as a little birthday gift. (photo will follow) At this point we had to start walking back to the place where Jilly had had her training, so that we could have lunch together.

We had lunch outside a precious little restaurant named (...) Luna. I wish I remembered the full name, it was really nice there! So we sat outside in the sun and I got to wear my sunglasses, which I was immediately complimented upon by the waiter. "Oh, my God! I love your sunglasses, are those vintage??" He was a very enthusiastic fellow. Especially about the specials of the day. Well, I had a caprese-sandwich, which was incredibly good!

Donna and Jilly

When we finished up we had to leave quickly, as the parking-time was about to run out and you really didn't want to get a ticket in that area. So we toured around Boston for a little bit more by car, as my music was allowed to play from the car's speakers. (yay!)

They brought me back home to Georgetown, all the while apologising for the amount of traffic. As if they had any saying in that! I thanked them for the lovely day I got to have, and we said our goodbyes.

At night the Purcell's had neighbours/friends over for dinner, which was a lot of fun! One of the guys who came was actually Dutch! He came from Utrecht, and had, astoundingly, even gone to the same school as my Mum. It's amazing!! Such a small world. When we walked Logan, one of the neighbours, home so that she could start her homework (she has school on Saturdays!!!) we saw a shooting star! It was the most beautiful thing! Like, nothing like I'd seen before. It lit up the sky super brightly and lasted longer than I'd experienced previously. It must have been a pretty big thing falling! It was so cool. I'm still ecstatic. :')

Tomorrow's my birthday, even though it has been in the Netherlands for a couple of hours now. I'm hoping to have a great time. :)



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