Friday 1 May 2015

Beautiful day

Does everything just become lovely instantly when the sun starts shining? Because I definitely believe so! I had the most terrific day today, out in the open air with Jock. Despite a very early start to my dismay, this morning was amazing! At the banding-station on plum-island, we caught a bird! Only one bird, but a bird nonetheless! It was a, correct me if I'm wrong, black-headed chickadee. Which is nothing exciting, according to the volunteers at the station, but to me it most certainly was!

It already had a ring, so that we didn't need to do anymore. However, we still needed to record some data on its health. I never knew, but it turns out birds have see-through skin, so when you blow on their feathers you can literally see into them! This way you can check its body fat, and you do that by the colour. I'm probably not so accurate in my explanation, but I believe that red fat on the wishbone of this bird was a good thing. It was hard to understand exactly, as I was just stunned by the fact that you can look into a bird. Yellow was negative, I believe, depending on where in the bird you looked. So for example, a chicken would have red in its legs because it's mostly a walking bird. And a flying-bird would have red closer to the wing-muscles. This is probably the most inadequate explanation, so I may have to do this again sometime ;) The bird is put into a small cone to be weighed, and this just looked adorable with its tail sticking out.

After jotting down all the data, Ben, who was holding the bird at that moment, asked me if I wanted to release it. There was no way I'd let go of that opportunity. So I took the Chickadee over in my hand, in a soft grip the way you see him do in the picture above. It was so incredibly soft! Honestly, I don't think I've ever felt anything as soft as that bird. In the palm of my hand I could feel its tiny little heartbeat, which was so heart-warming in some way. Then I had my most-anticipated disney moment; I got to let go of it by gently letting it slip onto my other hand and watching it fly back to its friends in the trees. Something tells me this is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so I'm really glad I got to do it! Sad that there wasn't a photo of me with the bird, though, because they thought we would get another one... But the experience will be with me forever :)

After this Jock took me to something called News & Views, which is a talk-group for retired people. And by retired people, understand people who have been retired for a while. I think there were some people that could have been over 90 years old! Despite the fact that I was probably the only person, out of 32, under 70 in the room, I thought it was interesting to see that these people still spend their time talking about politics and current-affairs in a most-opinionated way. Truly, I don't believe something like that exists for older people in the Netherlands. Really something to watch, but the sounds I just couldn't handle. I'm terribly sorry, this is going to sound so disrespectful, but I cannot stand the sounds older people make. I cringe. I shudder. I just can't stand it. Snorts and coughs and heavy breathing, everything with just too much saliva. Certainly wish I was better at blocking all of that out and focussing more on what insights they shared in the group. Again, I'm so sorry. :']

When the News & Views meeting was over, and I'd shaken the hands of almost every member in the group, Jock took me out for lunch at Bob Lobster. A seafood snackbar just by Plum Island. Over there I wasn't quite sure what to get, so Jock recommended I would try a lobster roll, as it was very 'New Englandy'. I had never eaten lobster before, but I decided to just go for it and give it a try. As we were queueing up, you could actually see the live lobsters swimming around in a fishtank; ready to be boiled and eaten. A lobster roll is basically a tick slice of bread with lobster on it, including some slaw and onions. I have to say, I quite liked it! It tasted differently than I thought it would. Sweeter, although that could've been because of the onions.

At Bob Lobster, Jock gave me two books. He did so, because he was really excited about the fact that I wanted to become a writer, and he was certain that these two books would help me get there. One was more of a journalism guide from the New York Times, and the other a memoir and guide written by Stephen King, on (fictional)writing. I was ecstatic! I thought it was so sweet and thoughtful of him to get those for me.

Once I had finished my lobster, and he his clam-chowder, we went on a little tour of Plum Island. Plum Island is a National Wildlife Refuge here in Massachusetts. It is absolutely gorgeous! Especially the seaside! Boy, was it pretty! While Jock sat down with his vernaculars on the boardwalk, I took my chance to stroll down the beach by the atlantic ocean for a bit and shoot some photos. This one was my favourite:

And here I am on the beach!

Back in the car, we drove back to Amesbury, where we had ice-cream at an ice-cream shop by the road. I thought it to be normal to pick two flavours for an ice-cream, coming from the Netherlands and all that. Well, my eyes nearly popped out of my skull when I saw the gigantic snowballs balancing on a cone. I almost felt embarrassed for ordering so much! I had one scoop(!) of cookie dough, and another(!) of chocolate & marshmallows. Both were like heaven. After finishing it all, I felt like I'd eaten enough for an entire week!

Just after this we drove into the centre of Amesbury, because I wanted to buy my host-family some flowers to thank them for having me stay with them, and for taking such great care of me. The people in the shop helped me put together a very pretty bouquet, which I was glad to come home with later that afternoon. They loved them very much!

So that about sums up my day! Hope yours was as great as mine :) Write you all tomorrow!



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