Thursday, 29 May 2014


Before I begin, I would like to excuse myself for my language: But not for what I have to say.

I am outraged.

So earlier today, Caitlin Stasey (Lady Kenna, Reign) posted a topless photo of herself on Instagram using the tag: #freethenipple.
This is a movement that wants to show society the inequality between men and women, or more precisely: the right to show off nipples. I truly agree with this movement, and believe that women should be able to decide themselves what parts of their body they want to show to the world. It’s your body, right?
I was so upset to see that Instagram took her photo down, stating that they hoped she’d support them in keeping Instagram a, and I quote, “Safe and fun place for everyone.”
Because hell! Boobs are dangerous right???
What the actual fuck?!
It made me so angry, that I just had to express it on here.
Now I’m not a woman who would feel confident enough to post a topless photo on the internet. But that’s only because society, and maybe my family/culture, created me so. I feel like, if I wanted to do that: I should be allowed to do it. And so should any woman on our planet.
The misogyny has got to end. I’m so fucking sick of it. 
It’s their choice, for crying out loud. And it was a beautiful picture! It wasn’t some shocking photo, hell, it didn’t even involve sex. It was just her, sitting in a chair without a shirt on. Big fucking deal. If that’s inappropriate for people under a certain maturity, then I think people should do a better job raising their children. You feed your children with those nipples. Everyone knows what they look like. 
Women should no longer have to feel bad about being a woman, and wanting to show that.
Women should no longer have to feel bad about having breasts.

Change of Lifestyle

Hi everybody!

Today I would love to tell you all about the change of heart I had last week, when I was in a particular good mood due to the nice weather and songs I listened to. In fact, I'd like to share this music with you because it will uplift the way you're feeling in no-time. 

So you know how people make reservations on New Year's Eve, in a depressed and forlorn attempt of changing their life around? Because let's face it... The only reason people make those reservations each year is because they're disappointed by the fact that they didn't stick to them last year. Well, I am not that kind of person. I never make reservations out of disappointment, but rather out of positivity that it would make my life just that little bit better or more worthwhile. No; I make my reservations on sunny afternoons in May. ✿

I just want to say first that I am very content with the way my life is going. I've got good education, good health, nice clothes and quite honestly don't have much to nag about. (Except for the horrendous amounts of homework they throw at us in school, making it close to impossible for me to find the time to write on my blog). But because of this general content, life can get kind of boring! I wake up every morning, at 6:30 -way too early- AM, and the exact same things happen with each passing day. I get up, I go to school, I bike home, I try (mind how I say try) to relax, I eat supper, I do my homework and then back to bed again. And despite it being such a rut, I feel like -besides obvious school schedules- I've got no self-created routine at all! I feel like I'm just floating around, randomly doing things and making bad decisions. Just passing time, if you get where I'm going with this?

Until last week's Monday afternoon.

Because that Monday afternoon, I had an epiphany!

I was watching loads of videos on Youtube, like I usually enjoy doing in my free time, when I realized that is what I want. I know it's all just snippets of someone's life and very probably also slightly acted, but still: I feel like the kind of lifestyle they portray is something I want, too. There's loads of videos where people show their night-routines, or their morning-routines; and I thought maybe, just maybe if I plan these fun, enjoyable moments for myself as well... As my own routine... Life wouldn't be such a rut anymore.

I have always been one to be very keen on good - or at least reasonable - marks at school, and to hold to a certain reputation. (If that's the correct word to use here? It's not necessarily a social reputation, but more some kind of reputation of myself which I created inside my head... Like an expectation to live up to, I suppose?) But with that I tend to forget the importance of making myself feel good, or at least at ease... The importance of doing something solely for myself. I suppose I rediscovered this on my feel-good hours last Monday afternoon.

So what do I mean by my Change of Lifestyle?

The way I'd like to live my life is based mainly on personal preferences, or so to say: To adjust my lifestyle to the things that make me feel my best. To no longer be dominated by the fear of failure, or fear of embarrassment that has been brought to me by school and insecurities. From now on, no matter how tough the day or how big the pile of homework, I will never forget myself. I will take the time to pamper myself with all the things that I love doing, wearing, smelling, seeing, hearing or reading. I'm sick of having panic attacks, and I hope that this way of living will reduce the amount of them I have. I believe that it will help me "breathe" through situations that make me feel nervous or trapped.

How am I gonna try to achieve this?

- Please note, that these are not things I'm forcing myself to do. These are things I want to do, and feel like would help me, and I will never feel guilty for not doing them. -

First of all, I'm going to try to take more time for my body. Strange as it may sound, when my life gets messy, my skin gets sticky. Things like showering or moisturizing or using crèmes take up quite a lot of time when you're rushing to get yourself to school. On busy days, I spend as little time as possible on skin-treatment like the ones I just mentioned. From now on, I'm going to try my best to take at least half an hour each day. Preferably at night, I will use my time to wash my hair with proper attendance, instead of thoroughly putting some shampoo in my hair. I will take time to scrub or cream or wash my body with products that smell nice and make me smile.

And then when I get out of the shower I will luxuriously besmear my legs with body butter or any other body lotion to my liking. Princess like, with a towel wrapped around my hair. And then I'll finish off the routine with my moisturizer from Formula 10.0.6, making my skin super soft; as it tends to get really dry after I've taken a shower. (Is that weird? It sounds weird, doesn't it? :p)

Right before I snuggle into bed, and cover myself under both my duvet and coverlet, I will put some hand-cream on and soften my lips with lip balm. Then I will put in my earplugs and listen to this playlist while reading a book or until I'm sleepy.

Then, as I decide to close my eyes and try to sleep, I will first get my Sleepbot app ready. Everyone should try that app, it's amazing! It tracks you while you sleep, as in sound and movement, and wakes you up with a friendly tone within a span of time of your choice. It tries to find your lightest sleep, so that it won't have to tear you from your deepest. I decided to download this when I was fed up with the horrid beeping of my old alarm clock, and it really helps me getting out of bed in the morning. It also gives you tips on how to sleep better, or how to stay awake during the day, as well as it shows you how much sleep you're lacking. It's truly helpful and fun a the same time. (It helped me figure out that I talk in my sleep :/ Some nights ago I kept saying "dertig" which is Dutch for thirty.. I don't know what it means, but I've decided that I'm some kind of math genius and that I've found the answer to time travel :p)

I will try to drink more tea than I drink soda. I need to say that I love tea, so that shouldn't be a problem in any way.

I will try to eat more fruit. Fruit was always something that needed to be force-fed to me, and from now on I will take more initiative in taking it out of the fridge myself ;) Honestly, what's not to love about a little Tupperware box full of strawberries at school? Or lying back in the garden and eating grapes from the branches as if you're a Greek God? I realize that if I simply start enjoying these activities, it'll be easier to keep up as well.

I will read more books. You have seen the list of books I want to read, I gather? It's getting out of hand. There's so many that I want to read, and so many that I am not reading. Once reading for school - Lord of The Flies (which is actually a lovely book) and Tschick (which is German and I don't like) - is over, I wish to start in the book my dear friend Dominique gave me for my birthday. ♥ She gave me The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion, which is said to be extremely funny and awkwardly romantic. I can't wait to get lost in the pages while chilling in the sun. (Can the summer holidays be here already???)

I'm going to write more!!

Seriously, yesterday I couldn't go to school because I had some sort of mental breakdown/panic attack that affected my entire day, and I spent the rest of my day working on my book. Not only did I finish writing several chapters, and I'm very fond of those, I also wrote a long letter to my dear friend Othilie in Norway and worked on this monster of a blog post. ;)

Somehow I'm really excited about changing bits of myself. I feel more confident about this than ever before.

I hope you liked reading about this, about me and my changes; maybe you even got inspired yourself?

Lots of love,


Sunday, 18 May 2014

I had a blast!

Hi everybody!

I just need to say this really quickly: I had an amazing time on my birthday party! I'm so thankful for everybody who came because I had a blast ♥ Thank you so much!

I won't go too much into detail about the party, but I'll just say that I'm in love with the guestbook I got from my closest friends and everybody wrote in ♥ Also: I used my new instant camera to take photos and I put them in there as well, so I'll always remember the amazing night :')

In all seriousness though:

Does anybody else have that constant post-event stress? Like, no matter what you do in life, you always end up thinking about it late at night? Because I'm growing so incredibly sick of it! I'm always over-thinking, to the point where I can't fall asleep. I remember faces of discontent, annoyance or discomfort and they stick with me all night. Or when you say something, and you spend the whole week thinking WHY ON EARTH DID I SAY THAT??? It is starting to become a real problem, and I hope that someone reads this with the perfect solution. Do you ever feel the same? And if so, how do you handle it?

Please leave a comment!

My mum always tells me to stop worrying so much about everything, and it helps, but it doesn't take away that nagging feeling inside my stomach that I did something stupid or made someone feel bad.

This is a rather short blog post, but I've got some more in the planning for when I'm less busy with school. :) So yeah, I'm looking forward to those!



Sunday, 4 May 2014

Happy (belated) Birthday to Me!

That's right. Last Friday, on the second of May, I turned 16! Obviously, I didn't have much time during the day itself to blog... Neither did I yesterday, as that was my aunt's birthday and I went to visit her in the afternoon. My promise to blog about dancing and exercise still stands, it has just been delayed for a while as I wanted to talk about my birthday first :)

So, what's it like? Being sixteen?

To be quite honest, just changing the number in my Instagram profile felt quite exhilarating! Somehow there's just a really large difference in saying you're fifteen and saying you're sixteen. It sounds so much older! I don't feel older than I was three days ago, though ;) Only fatter, because of the large amount of nice food I consumed on my special day. (Not to mention the days after; because that's when the real party begins... When you're being left alone with a sick pile of leftovers it's excruciatingly hard to control yourself)

Let's talk food first, shall we? ♥

For my birthday I had three different types of dessert/pastry. My mum baked a lovely apple pie (the Dutch kind), and my sister Annick and I made these yummy blueberry cupcakes from Sally's Baking Addiction. Along with those two, we also ordered a strawberry flan from a pastry shop nearby. I absolutely LOVE pastries and desserts, and I find it more than essential on my birthday. (Or any holiday/celebration, to be fair!)

Recently my mum asked me this question: "What do you like most about celebrating your birthday?" Now of course, I went and told her the proper thing to answer, which is "the attention and nice people that come over". But let's face it: We can all agree that the best thing about birthdays is that you get presents. I mean, who doesn't like getting gifts? So here's what I've been lucky enough to get this year :)

My mum gave me something I've been wanting badly for quite some time now, after seeing a commercial video on the internet. She gave me an instant camera!! Namely a Fujifilm Instax mini 90. Yup, it's one of those cameras where your photo comes rolling out the instant you take it. Isn't that exciting?!?? I certainly think so! I haven't tried it out yet, because the films are quite expensive and I don't want to waste them on silly pictures ;) I'm not going to use it for random photographs like I do with my normal/digital camera. With this one you've got to really think economically and artistically about the photo you're taking and I love that about it. So I'm waiting for a special day to use it for the first time. Perhaps on my birthday party in two weeks?

Fujifilm Instax Mini 90

My brother was sweet enough to buy me new tools for crafting :) I've really gotten into crafting this year, especially crafting in relation to snailmail. So I truly loved that he gave me new tools for this ♥ He gave me several sets of cute tape, crafting paper, mustache stamps and also bubble blowers for my Coachella birthday party.

My sister got me an adorable little shoulder bag from Monki with little cats on it. And I love using smaller bags like that when I'm shopping. I tend to get claustrophobic when I have to carry a lot of things in my hands, so small bags that I don't have to worry about carrying are perfect for me. She also made me a beautiful drawing, in fact a portrait of me! I think I'm going to scan it into my computer at some point to use on my blog. :)
Photo from
Later in the evening my brother's girlfriend Denise surprised me with a Lush bath ballistic and a Mockingjay-pin-necklace. ♥ Two things I love to bits: Lush, and The Hunger Games. She really knows me, haha!

I had a lovely birthday and I hope you enjoyed reading about it, too. 

Lots of love! I'm going to have another cupcake :')

- Eva

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