Thursday 25 September 2014

The Complete Persepolis

I finished reading The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, and oh, my... What a beauty she was!

Never have I loved reading an assigned book as much as I loved reading this gem of a graphic novel. Also, I never really read graphic literature before. But of course, that depends on the way you interpret the word 'literature'.

The drawings were lovely, the content was clever, funny and interesting, and the storyline was just breathtaking! Also, I loved how it tackled topics on sexism and feminism. As you may know, I am very much interested in that. But what I felt most of all while reading this book, was this sense of wonder. I wondered why this was such an important part of history, and yet I'd never learned about it in school. It just baffled me... It still baffles me!

I'm guessing you've gotten a little bit more curious as to what it's about now, haven't you?

Sadly, at the moment I have very little time to write a detailed review, but it may just come in the future! (Not making any promises, though) In the mean time, check it out on Goodreads? Or, you know, you could just pick it up from your local bookstore, because it's ab-so-lutely worth your money.

I promise.

(& even the cover on its own is brilliant to have. I mean- Look at it!)

Oh, the joys of being a bibliophile. :)

What are you reading at the moment? What could you recommend? Leave a comment!

Now that reading for school is on a hold for at least a little while, I think I'm going to dive back into Looking For Alaska!

Have a good day,


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