Wednesday 27 April 2016

Worrying | World Views

Hello everyone!

Wow, saying that my World Views would be 'coming soon' was a bit of an exaggeration. I am an incredibly busy woman this year, but despite being busy I found this to be a good time to get back into my writing flow and get this project off the ground already! I will soon be starting my final exams, so those will definitely cause a delay in my posting, but I just want to stop making excuses for starting this project that I'm still really passionate about!

The first question that I sent around the world for my wonderful friends to answer, was what they spent too much time on.

In my case, this is worrying.

I'm a worrier. I say it in this way because it makes it sound a lot like 'warrior', and that makes me feel at least a little bit better about it. Truth be told, it's horrible. For me, it's not the type of worrying that means I constantly feel like something bad is going to happen. In fact, I'm too stubborn and too much of a blind optimist for that. My problem with worrying is that I constantly worry that the steps I'm taking in my own life, are the wrong ones. I base these worries not on realistic reason, but mostly on what I see happening in the lives of those around me. Whenever my path is not like theirs, I worry that mine is wrong. Despite the fact that I do realise this happens to me, I will admit that it does not help me get rid of these irrational worries. The most horrible thing is not even the worrying itself, but the self-sabotaging that happens because of it. I keep myself from achieving a goal, because the world tells me this goal is not ideal. Or I keep myself from trying to achieve something, because I'm afraid of what will happen when I reach the other end of it. If I've learnt anything these past few weeks, it's to not be afraid to be my own, individual self, and to not punish myself if things aren't going as smoothly as my environment makes me think is 'normal'. There is no normal. There is only me, and I need to learn how to go from there. But, like this adorable illustration says, I'm still growing. And that is okay, too.

Not my illustration
My friend Gabriela from Puerto Rico could relate to my problem with worrying. "I spend too much time worrying and being scared." She told me. However, it seems to be in a different way than I experience it. "I'm too sensitive, and I never want people to feel bad or offended. This often leaves me with burdens I should just have left behind. I am too nice and people see me as someone to run over easily. It's that which has made the last couple of months incredibly hard for me."

So what did others feel like they spent too much time on?

Astrud, from the United States, told me about spending too much time organising all of her personal belongings.

My dear friend Maria from Spain says that most of her free time gets absorbed by her listening to music, or just overthinking silly stuff. (Glad to hear I'm not the only one!)

Othilie, from Norway, tells me about her surplus time spent dreaming of being a teenager in other centuries. "Basically any other time than now, haha!"

My Slovenian friend Tjaša has to admit that it's YouTube she spends too much time on, and I wholeheartedly relate.

Clarissa from America seems to be in the same boat. "I spend too much time on my computer. I tend to watch videos and movies, and I spend a lot of time on Tumblr." - Don't we all? :') - "I wish I could stop, pick up a book and read instead."

We all have things we spend too much time on, some positive, some negative. Can I just say to everyone spending too much time on something positive: Turn it into something good! For example, use that daydreaming to create something new! Write a story, paint a picture, become a poet! Use that part of you to bring something new and interesting into this world! :) And to those, like me, who tend to spend too much time on something negative: Try to learn from it and not be too hard on yourself along the way.

On that note, I will end this very first edition of World Views. See you for the next one? Its theme will be 'first experiences', and I'm excited for you to read it!

Love you lots,


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