Monday 16 June 2014


Some weeks ago I had to visit a cultural event for school, and I decided to see Tracks in the Louis Hartlooper Complex, an art cinema in Utrecht. It was quite an overwhelming experience, and such a beautiful film! As it is not a Hollywood movie, it's not publicized as much as blockbusters. I would love to shine a special light on this film, because it so so so important and worth everyone's time and money. I swear to God, go see this film while you can (or buy the dvd when it comes out) because it will make you feel amazing.
Because I visited Tracks for school, I had to write a review on it as well. I was extremely pleased with the mark I achieved by writing it, and would like to share it with you lot! ♥

A Journey to Freedom

The minute I sat down in the cinema, I was pulled into the most beautiful, rough images of the Australian desert landscape. I was absorbed into a place where I was not, but somehow still was for the span of 112 minutes. Tracks is the astonishing story of Robyn Davidson, who walked close to 2000 miles through the Australian desert by herself in the late 70’s. A young woman with the strong desire of being alone and gone from any political talk. From the very beginning of the film, you get to experience her journey from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean as if it were your own. Breathtakingly beautiful are the images you view, sense and sometimes even smell when watching the brilliant production of Tracks, directed by John Curran. With its excellent acting, cinematography, sound and setting you live along with every feeling or emotion Robyn endures. Inspiring for everyone; no matter what situation you’re in, or whatever it is you wish to do with your life. Robyn inspires us that we can achieve everything we want and aspire, despite the discouraging opinions of others in your surroundings. Nobody believed she could do it, and yet she went out and did it anyway. This film is perfect proof that motion pictures do not always need romance or action to be compelling and interesting. We are shown the integrity of the human mind and soul, and what happens to it if we are completely isolated. Tracks is a journey through both Australia, and human emotion. A film that is worth every euro I spent, and would recommend to anyone over the age of twelve. A film that is compelling and fascinating from the first minute to the last. One that everyone should have seen at least once in their lifetime.

Rating: XXXXX
This isn’t a film that you merely watch, it is a film that completely absorbs you. I cried in the cinema, not because of some heavily emotional scene: but because it felt so real. You live in the emotions of the characters, you create the same bonds as they do, and when something bad comes to happen to them your eyes are instantly filled with tears. When a director or writer is able to do that, that’s when you know they are a good writer(/director). One that can bring out the purest of human emotions through characters by the use of words or a camera. When laughter or tears or awe can be indicated in the viewer/listener/reader, that’s when you can recognize a true artist.
To me, this was the case when watching Tracks.

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