Saturday 9 August 2014

Party in a Jar

Everyone and their sister has probably already blogged about this hype, and I know that I'm a bit late to the party but Oh, my God. How cute are those Mason Jars? <3

Alright, first of all, a little acknowledgment: I actually started writing a very long blogpost about my holiday in Switzerland (which was terrific, by the way), but along the way it just got too long and I stopped caring about it and the moment I feel like that means that no one will be interested in reading it either. So yeah, that's what happened... :p Sorry, Deren! If you're reading this, I know I told you I'd have the blogpost up for you to read once you got my letter but I got lazy and this happened :/ In short: We had a blast. It was loads of fun despite the rain overflowing the campground ;)

Back to the little jar-parties. As you can see in my inadequate photography; mine was quite a joy to the eye this evening, was it not? My mum bought me and my sister each a Mason Jar as a gift this afternoon, and we were keen to get them filled nicely for supper.

Here's what was in mine:

  • Crushed Ice
  • Frozen Forest Fruit (in one of those boxes you can buy at the supermarket)
  • Fresh lime
  • Fresh mint leaves 
I then added lots of water because I was very thirsty and put it in the fridge to cool and infuse the taste for a while.

The taste was very refreshing, and perfect for a hot summer's day :) I suppose you could compare the taste to Starbuck's Refresha's, only a little less strong and without the added caffeine. 

My sister had the exact same except for the frozen forest fruit which made mine go pink and slightly sweeter.

But aside from the taste; these things are just a party to look at, aren't they? I just wish I was better at photographing it!

Please do share your mason-drinks with me in the comments and perhaps add their "recipes"? :)

Love you lots, 



  1. Cool :) I want one too! I will try your recipe without the mint ;)

    1. You can find them online as well, in case you couldn't find them in any shop near you :) Great!


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