Tuesday 15 April 2014

Wow, I've been busy!

... In fact, I still am to be honest :p

But I won't let it withhold me from updating my blog every once in a while. ♥

Here's an update on my life!

Last Friday started off terribly. I had to take a calculations test in the morning and I was incredibly nervous. I've had this relation with math my entire life. I'm not extremely bad at it, but it gives me this specific anxiety. I remember when I was 6 years old, I used to cry every time I had to take a math test. Then I would come home and I had to show my mum the wet sheet of paper. The most horrible thing about it was that kids used to laugh at me for it, and I suppose that fear is still somewhere in the back of my head. I took the test despite the occasional stomach turn and teardrop, and later found out that I did really great! I had a 7,3/10, and I'm very proud of myself for it.

Despite its horrible start, Friday was an amazing day for me! Our English teacher announced that the results for the CAE exams were only, and I discovered that I had a......

*adds drums for suspense*


In fact, my B was almost an A. (79/100, and 80 would have been an A) I was overjoyed to hear this news, and couldn't wait to tell my family.

But the fun wasn't over yet! Oh no! When I walked into my Geography lesson I discovered I had a 9/10 for the last Major Test :') I couldn't believe it, as I had been rather bad at understanding geography before.

So I went home with this pink cloud around my head, only to discover that my mum was going to take me and my brother out for pizza. And as if the day couldn't get any better, we made plans for my 16th birthday party together. ♥

Right now I'm ridiculously busy, but as my May break is quickly approaching I'm sure that I'll write more the following weeks :)

Hope everyone is doing great!

With love,

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