Sunday, 27 April 2014

We're going to Coachella baby!

...Or, Coachella is coming to us, really!

Hi everybody ♥

In a few days I'm going to turn 16! Yup, it's happening. On the 2nd of May I will (hopefully) wake up to some lovely presents. But what excites me most about my birthday this year, is the fact that I get to throw a party! I am ecstatic to celebrate my birthday with lots of friends this year, as I usually just have little get-together's with my closest friends. I think the main reason that I'm so excited is because I've had this idea for over a year now. Let's get it out there first:

I'm throwing a Coachella party! ✿

I've been obsessed with this festival for quite a while, and I just constantly wished I could go there! So now that my sixteenth birthday is coming up, I decided to throw an Indie festival themed party. I love Indie music, and I love flower crowns. (Can you see me jumping up and down out of excitement?) So I invited some friends from school, some old friends and also potential friends. (I deserve an applause for daring to walk up to them and handing them the invite... God that was nerve-wrecking!)

For those of you who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about: Coachella is an annual music and arts festival in California, mostly known for the great amount of celebrities that attend each year. Vanessa Hudgens, for example, is a very popular guest of Coachella. It's basically paradise, in my view. There's Indie and Funk music (which I adore), there's summer activities, there's delicious food and most importantly of all: Everyone is dressed like Hippies. No, not the standard old school hippie. You should see it more as a hipster kind of thing. Flower crowns, face art, bustiers/bralets, crop tops, shorts, tank tops and so on and so on. It's basically a goldmine of fashion, and how could I not be in love with that?
Photo credits: not mine

Vanessa Hudgens and boyfriend Austin Butler at Coachella (also not my photo)

Of course my birthday party will be nothing like the above, but at least I will feel a little bit closer to that dream of actually going there someday. I truly hope my friends will enjoy it as much as I do. So far I've got my music covered, my flower crown and sunglasses have been purchased, my outfit I will try to find tomorrow and practical things like cups and food and decoration still need working on. But I am loving the preparation. Seriously; if I'm not lucky enough to become an acknowledged writer when I'm older, I'd be up for a job as party planner. This might sound a little spoiled, but I've always been the type of person that when wanting something; I make sure I get it. In a sense that I myself try to make it happen. Not that I make the people around me do it for me. If I want to do something; I'm ready to get myself to do it. I don't give up easily. You have a dream? That's cute! You're gonna have to make it happen all by yourself. That's a motto I like to live by, I suppose. (and I literally just made it up) I have no interest in sitting around, waiting for things to happen. I want to make them happen.

I know, I know... Sometimes that's a little unrealistic. But hey, at least I've got a fire of motivation inside myself, right? Speaking of motivation, in my next blog post I will talk to you all about my passion for dancing and exercising :) You want a healthy body? Make it happen! The world can be cruel but there are some things that we can control. So you better grab life by the lapels and do the best you can to make your life the best it can be.

Wow... I should run for president :p I suppose I'm in a mood? Haha!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this!

With love,


Friday, 25 April 2014

Everything at once

I'm incredibly lazy. I know that. But hey! At least I'm also able to admit it!

I've been wanting to blog on here so many times but just closed my eyes and sat in the sun instead. Well, I've finally come to terms with myself and I'm currently also in the sun; eating some yummy fruit and updating my blog. A lot has happened the past days, and I'm going to try and put each thing in a separate blog-post. (Hopefully in the right order as well)

First things first:

I finally updated my alphabet on Instagram! It took me a bit longer this time, because I had to find the (right) time to retake my photo for H. See, I hated the one I originally took... So I had to change that before posting anything onto my account. But it's up now! And it's also here for you to look at :)

I present to you, my object collage for the letter H:

H for Hair clips, Hilfiger fragrance, Hummingbird bakery and Heels!

Let's be real. Hair clips are super cute, but not very useful when your hair is super thick and curly. The only way those adorable little clips stay in my hair is when I'm wearing a pony-tail or a tight bun on my head. The real issue is that I wear my hair down more often than I wear it up, because of same lazy reasons, and I just keep on buying those little flowers and glimmers!

On to the Hilfiger fragrance... I wish I could tell you all about its lovely smell and how much I love wearing it, but I can't. See, this involves a little story-telling. A couple of weeks ago I had a dance performance in a city nearby. When the last dance had been performed my mum took me to Douglas because she needed a new eye-shadow. Obviously it took longer than expected, as does any shopping trip with my mum, and this employee was showing her how to apply a specific product. As I was waiting in a chair beside them, the woman felt a little bad and asked me if I wanted to get my make-up done as well. I shook my head no, because, well, after having danced my ass off I wasn't really in the mood for that. So to make up (pun not intended) for the time I spent waiting she gave me a bag of samples. (Which I absolutely love!) As excited as I was to have received a lot of new fragrances, my mum dropped the Hilfiger bottle and it shattered on the floor. Yup... My room smelled of perfume for the rest of the week. But hey! At least it wasn't anything I paid for ;)

*Shouts from the rooftops* HUMMINGBIRD BAKERY!!! Oh boy, where does one begin to describe their love for Hummingbird pastry recipes? Allas, I've never been to a Hummingbird Bakery Shop myself. But I sure do love using their techniques. My absolute favourite? Their Chocolate Chip Cookies. Without a shadow of a doubt. I love baking them, I love eating them, and I love surprising people by giving them. If my best friend Anne-Floor ever falls into a great depression I know the perfect way to cheer her up ;) I once said that the way to her heart goes through Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Time for my addiction... Heels. For crying out loud! Why are those things so tempting? I can't open an online store (like Boohoo) without drooling over the endless possibilities of heeled shoes! Not long ago I've set my eyes on this gorgeous pair from Boohoo, and I'm enduring real pain not being able to buy them. See, I've promised myself I would save up some money before going to Primark with Anne... AND IT'S KILLING ME. I suppose I never really realized how addicted I am to shopping... Now that I've literally restrained myself from shops like H&M, Monki and Boohoo I'm going through genuine withdrawal.

This was my Instagram Alphabet update for the letter H! I hope you liked it. Stay tuned because there will be more blog posts up today (and probably also tomorrow)

See ya!


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Wow, I've been busy!

... In fact, I still am to be honest :p

But I won't let it withhold me from updating my blog every once in a while. ♥

Here's an update on my life!

Last Friday started off terribly. I had to take a calculations test in the morning and I was incredibly nervous. I've had this relation with math my entire life. I'm not extremely bad at it, but it gives me this specific anxiety. I remember when I was 6 years old, I used to cry every time I had to take a math test. Then I would come home and I had to show my mum the wet sheet of paper. The most horrible thing about it was that kids used to laugh at me for it, and I suppose that fear is still somewhere in the back of my head. I took the test despite the occasional stomach turn and teardrop, and later found out that I did really great! I had a 7,3/10, and I'm very proud of myself for it.

Despite its horrible start, Friday was an amazing day for me! Our English teacher announced that the results for the CAE exams were only, and I discovered that I had a......

*adds drums for suspense*


In fact, my B was almost an A. (79/100, and 80 would have been an A) I was overjoyed to hear this news, and couldn't wait to tell my family.

But the fun wasn't over yet! Oh no! When I walked into my Geography lesson I discovered I had a 9/10 for the last Major Test :') I couldn't believe it, as I had been rather bad at understanding geography before.

So I went home with this pink cloud around my head, only to discover that my mum was going to take me and my brother out for pizza. And as if the day couldn't get any better, we made plans for my 16th birthday party together. ♥

Right now I'm ridiculously busy, but as my May break is quickly approaching I'm sure that I'll write more the following weeks :)

Hope everyone is doing great!

With love,

Friday, 4 April 2014

It's been a while!

Hi everybody!

I'm not sure whether I should apologize for not updating the past week?

You see, the willingness to write was really there! I promise! It's just that my week has been crazy and I've been so busy that I just couldn't find the rest to sit down and blog.

But I'm back and I'm posting so let's look at what's ahead and not at the past ;)

Above all things, I need to update my Instagram Alphabet as I want to start posting on Instagram again. However, the photo I've already got for the letter H is not really what it's cracked up to be so I'm intending on making a new and girly one instead. The only minor trouble I'll be facing is that the sunny days are gone for a while so I might have to use a flash (which I hate) :( But I've not lost hope and I'm going to do my best to create something pretty to publish ♥

That's for the future, but here's for the present:

It's G! :D

I'm probably going to get really excited, so please just bear with me ;)

G is for Game, Glass, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Gift and Green.

Starting off with the Game, that's the prettiest Game I could find inside my house :p And believe me; we have a lot. You see, my brother LOVES playing games (albeit card games not as much) and his room is loaded with the largest boxes of strategical table games. He plays them with his friends and some take an entire day to finish! I love that he enjoys it so much, but I hate the lengthy time it takes up. My brother is soon-to-be twenty-two and his friends are around the same age, and when there's about 5 young-adults with energy-drinks inside the house it can get really smelly. I don't like smelly. I myself am not really a gamer, but I do enjoy a card game from time to time.

When it's a special day, say, Easter, Christmas or a birthday; I always love to get up a little earlier to deck the table with the prettiest tablecloth/cutlery and also Glasses. :) It's been a while, but my mum always loved to visit second-hand shops to buy pretty cups and Glasses. I suppose the reason she stopped is because the amount of porcelain we've got at home is getting out of hand ;) I love every single cute cup and glass we own, and I felt like this little liquor glass looked really pretty with the rest of the objects in the photo.

Booo-riiing! Let's get to the point where I get really excited! :)))

Grimm's Fairy Tales! Alright, you caught me; When I bought this book I was totally being a hipster and merely bought it for its nice old cover. However, when I got to studying more advanced English in my school I also learned to love the words within it. I will be 16 years old in less than a month, and I'm addicted with fairy tales. I love everything about them. I love the old stories, I love the new versions created by Once Upon a Time, I love the Efteling (a Dutch theme-park revolving all around fairy tales, fables and legends), I love fairy tale musicals and I love Disney ♥ I've adored these stories ever since I was a child, but never as much as I adore them right now. Also; please don't ask me for my favourite! There are so many lovely tales collected by the Grimm brothers but also Andersen that I could never pick a single one :) What I love most about this book that I own, is that it uses this semi-old kind of English that can be a bit of a puzzle to read and pronounce when you're not a native speaker. As I like storytelling, that can be quite a challenge! Especially when there's little songs included in the story and you have no idea how you're supposed to sing them so you just imagine. I love that, imagination. Passive creativity; they wrote down the story and it's up to you to make it sound interesting. I simply can't wait till I've got children and I get to read them bed time stories, I'm gonna make such a scene they'll have to be tired by the end of it ;) I got this book from a second-hand shop, by the way :)

Now who doesn't love some bubbles? This Gift is, of course, not a real gift. It is one of the amazing products from a shop called Lush. I've talked about my undying love for this shop before but I just can't stress it enough. Lush products are amazing. A little expensive at times, but amazing. You get so much great for every euro/dollar/pound you pay ♥ Lush products are made of organic products (I believe) and are not tested on animals beforehand. Lush fights animal testing, and I think that's a great cause. Although recently I have learned many things about ethics and animal testing, I stand with my opinion that it is wrong to use animals for our cosmetics. It's just some sort of gut feeling, please don't ask me about it.

To wrap up this post I'm going to talk about my favourite colour, which is Green. Green and blue, to be honest. I love green because it's a sign of life. The leafs on the trees, fresh grass, forests, plants, mosses; I love it all ♥ I tend to get really excited when I see the first signs of spring, with the little buds in the trees. Then I think; soon the world will be green again :) I love blue because it associates with my favourite place(s) on earth, namely the beach. I love jumping and swimming and laughing in the ocean so I always connect the colour blue with my favourite feeling in the world.

I do hope you liked this update, and that it was a proper make up for the lost time.

Ending this post with my favourite song starting with the letter G, which is Girls by The 1975.    :)



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