Wednesday 17 December 2014


Hey guys, what's up?

Recently I added a new page to my blog, which you may have seen already, under the link 'Dreams'. My new blog url is dreamsbooksandlife, and I wanted there to be some relevance to that on my webpage itself. So now there is! You can check out my dreams, books and my life. (Sort of, in a way)

Not my photo, but it can be found on my tumblr

Basically, the page can be compared to the bucket lists most bloggers tend to make. However, I wanted to be quite clear about something, and that is that these 'dreams' are not things I wish to check off before I die. I wouldn't want to live my last day on earth regretting that I never got to finish a wish-list I made when I was sixteen. I simply, really want to enjoy life to the fullest, and this is a list of how I intend to do that. :)

It's logical that this list will be an ever-changing one, as I can sincerely say that I am very big on dreaming!

Anyway, I hope you guys feel inspired by what I already put on my list and I hope that you'll enjoy reading about me making some of my dreams happen! In fact, some are already in the happening/planning, so it won't be long until you get to read some great stuff!

Hope you guys are having a good december so far, and I hope that your finals/exams are going well :) I had better start studying for mine as well now... ;)

Love you lots,


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