Friday 24 October 2014

Café Date

It was a rainy day, but I suppose that only made our hot chocolates extra nice. If you ever find yourself in Utrecht and you are looking for a nice little café to warm up your hands and heart: 30 ml is your place to go. It's in the Mariastraat, so aligning to one of the main shopping streets, the Steenweg. My friends (Dominique & Juanita) and I were tired of sitting at home alone because the weather sucked this week. We decided to cycle to the city together and have some fun there.

We succeeded.


Coffee Brewers = 30 ML




Dominique & Juanita
How do you like to spend your rainy days?



Saturday 18 October 2014


Before this year I wasn't very fond of autumn. I hated the rain, I hated the temperature and even more than that did I hate the fact that the days were getting shorter. This year, however, my feelings towards this season have changed! Maybe it's because it's continuously hyped about on social media such as Tumblr and Instagram, or it just affects me more this year. I don't know what changed, but at least it changed for the better!

Last weekend we went for a lovely autumn walk in the forest with the family. Sadly, Grandma wasn't there. But I'm sure she will be present on our next stroll. ;) We walked around, I took pictures, Grandpa collected soil for his garden and my sister searched for mushrooms. At the end of the afternoon we found ourselves a table and had a lovely little picnic.

I love my family!

And, since this year, I love autumn! :)

Ugh my hair :p (l-r: Me, my uncle, my sister, my granddad, my cousin, my aunt, my mother)

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